
Onward & Upward: 8th Grade is Imminent

Today is Aidan and Shea's last day of 7th grade. Not to get all mushy...but oh, how well I remember when they were tiny twin babies; and now here they are just one year away from high school.

This has been such an amazing year, watching them grow and change. This transitional time from elementary school to middle school is monumental. They not only look so much older and mature, but their interests, goals, and ideas changed significantly from this time last May.

I love that they each have activities that they excel at and enjoy. I dig that they each completely rock their own styles. I find it so interesting to see how different their friends are; as well as their musical tastes, habits, and hobbies.

I am so proud of the people they are becoming and feel so lucky to be their mom. Watching them as teenagers and hanging by their sides during this portion of their journey is truly incredible.

I can't wait to report in on how 8th grade goes down.  Love you, boys.

“You don't really understand human nature unless you know why a child on a merry-go-round will wave at his parents every time around - and why his parents will always wave back.”  ~William D. Tammeus

Hair cuts, styling, photos and editing by our uber-talented daughter (and A&S's sister), Brynn