Don't Look for Life in the Image of Life: Follow Your Own Path
Art by BenHeineHave you ever noticed how societal stimuli around us seems to have a common goal? Magazines, television commercials, and online advertisements prompt us to buy more. Acquire the status symbols that they tell you are commendable and your life will be better. Look like the image they portray as perfect and you will feel superior. Live in the pretty house and decorate it the way that they show you is best and you will be content.
As appealing as the glitz and excitement of these images seem, the objects and possessions behind the promises really aren't all that they are cracked up to be. You don't change on the inside if you amass more gadgets. You don't matter more if you step in line to the fashion mandates. You aren't more successful if you live in a ritzy neighborhood or own an expensive car.
Advertising to the masses and "selling the image" is easy. It's easy to mask what really matters behind products and a similitude of imitation. Don't fall for it though. Don't let the corporate propaganda suck you in.
Make your own rules. Find your own fashion. Paint your own picture of success (and not the monetary kind).
- Be opulent in happiness.
- Prosperous in love.
- Wealthy in knowledge.
Time ticks by too quickly to be preoccupied with "keeping up" with everyone else. Enjoy moments by finding contentedness within yourself. Share that serenity with those around you.
Follow your own path and never look back. Don't look for life in the image of life.

Reader Comments (7)
Damn I love you Jinxi.
Well said. So many people are worried about their position in life instead of worrying about their real happiness. We only have so many days to enjoy the simple things.
so true, so true....that's why i have my favorite saying hanging in my living room "the best things in life aren't THINGS" things can't make your heart happy. living up to what your neighbor has or trying to keep up with the jones's isn't living, it seems to just be a constant battle that never ends. how does anyone have the time to just enjoy life if you are always struggling to live up to a false image of what your life should be according to some ad exec? if you are always looking for the next best thing you will miss out on all the awesome things you do have, that are right there in front of you everyday. as always you brighten my day & my heart....tons of love xo
jinxi that article is outstanding..i do believe your right but i never realized i was trying to do that exact thing your trying to propose we shouldnt do.
Thats why I follow my OWN path....To TRULY be free, one must step off the road, and take the dirt track!
awesome blog! i am actually on my way to following my own path instead of what's "expected". i'm cleaning out my house, donating half of my belongings and hitting the road. exciting!
this is a really amazing article!
i agree with it totally
oh, and happy early birthday