A Note of Encouragement: Live Life Your Way, Smile, Stand Strong, Dream Big
Just a note of encouragement today. I received a message on a social networking site recently from a person who was having a hard time pleasing those around her, while remaining happy within herself and was asking for some advice. It got me thinking that every now and again it doesn't hurt to assess your surroundings and take a look at just where exactly life is taking you.
Are you living it for others or are you living it to YOUR fullest potential?
Some ideas to remember:
- Stand strong in becoming who you are meant to be and enjoy who you are.
- Smile at your reflection.
- There are people in life who will desire for you to follow their path - the traditional road of redundancy. Walk it if it's the right one for you, but don't be discouraged from doing an about-face and running the other way if your path is meant to veer in the opposite direction.
- There are people who won't "get you." It's cool. It's normal. Let it go and adhere to your vision.
- Walk in your own shoes. Run in them. Leave the hindrances behind.
- Eat up the challenges that life throws your way and don't let them deter you.
- Scoff at the cynics. Smile at the opposition when they sneer at you.
- Your life is your own. Your story is your own. Write it in beautiful bold letters. Color outside of the lines if you want to.
- Dream. Dream big. Do what you need to do to make the dream come true.
Be you and be proud to be you. It's the only you you've got.

Reader Comments (4)
wow...gets u thinkin. but this be true. be your own dream!!! thanks Jinxi! <3
you have no idea how close to home this hits for me and it was just the reinforcement i needed to read today....thanks so much you bunches xoxo
Thanks so much for posting this Jinxi! I am printing out these tips & posting it on my mirror in the bathroom so I can be reminded of these wonderful tips every morning! Its so easy to forget them when I am bombarded by the negativity of people who don't understand me for who I am & follow a different path than mine.
Best blog post title of the year.Great comments all around. I like how there are a variety voices coming through.