Onward and Upward
Today, Steve and I proudly watched two of our brood reach a fantastic milestone.
Because there are so many kids to accommodate in our area of Southern California, many school districts (like ours) have "year-round" school programs; which means that instead of a three month summer break like "traditional" schools, they have the kids go for three months "on" then one month "off," so they still end up with the same amount of days off, just at different times of the year. There are four tracks and the schools are on constant rotation so one track is always off and three are always on. They follow this pattern from K-8 and then it returns to the "traditional" procedure for high school. This is important only to tell you that our sons, Aidan and Shea, have been "off-track" since the end of May and seemingly finished with 6th grade for nearly a month. Until the BIG FINALE, which was today - their 6th grade graduation.
Though in their minds I know that they had already moved onto bigger and brighter things (like preparing for middle school), there was definitely excitement in the air this morning as they got ready to head over and take the final walk across the stage and receive their "end of elementary school" papers. It was fun to see them so happy and proud; and it also reminded me of just how old all of my kids are getting and how quickly time marches forward. When Shea and Aidan turn 13 in October all three of ours will be teenagers. Woah!
It's a milestone that I embrace and love though. I completely dig watching them each grow up and become more mature, as they follow their own individual paths. Though the boys are twins, they have ALWAYS been so different and so in tune with their own journeys. I love that about them. I love that all of my kiddos are kind, conscious, smart and curious about the world around them. I love getting to have a front row seat in watching their adventures. Pretty much, I just love being their mom.
Here are photos of the fam after the ceremony. YAY, boys! I love you!

Reader Comments (2)
Woo-Hoo! Way to go boys!...and parents! That rocks!
Man, all I got was my report card after the last day of sixth grade. The teachers were probably happy to be done with my class. LOL.
Did I ever mention your family is the tops? ;-)
Way to go, Aidan and Shea!! Congrats!!!
xoxo Wen