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July 13: Embrace Your Geekness Day

It's no joke! July 13th really IS the official "Embrace Your Geekness Day."

If you are a so-called "geek," or someone with a keen interest in a certain area (typically science, technology and gaming; but really, one can be a geek about anything - history, movies, art, etc.) - be out and proud today!

Amazingly, Embrace Your Geekness Day is a copyrighted holiday created by Wellcat Holidays.

The word "geek" was originally a synonym for "fool," taken from the German word "geck, meaning "fool" or "freak." Years later, it was used to describe a performer in a circus freak show. At that time, the circus was a much more significant source of entertainment than it is now. Traveling circuses of the time left cultural reminders for generations to come, one being this commonly used word that we honor today.

Geek out, my friends.  It's your official day to celebrate!

Reader Comments (2)

Oh my Wowhead friends would love this, though they would probably rather it say "level 80(insert class here).

July 13, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterScuba Steve

Ha ha! That's great!!! I don't consider myself a geek, but my husband says we are.

July 14, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLady Rebecca Bates
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