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Today is our daughter Brynn's 15th birthday. I just can't believe she is already this age. While I don't want to come off as too boastful of a mom (because I could write a brag list a mile long - ha ha - how's that for not being boastful?), I must note that she TRULY is an incredible person, daughter and friend.  I have always felt so lucky to be her mom and today I reflect on what a postive impact she made on my life 1.5 decades ago. 

In addition to a few fun gifts she will receive, I wrote this poem for Brynn and thought I would share:


I so vividly remember
fifteen years ago.

Waiting for your arrival,
and for the biggest change
my life had known.

It's no wonder you are a musician.
We played Green Day all
the way to the hospital...
(and I think you kept the beat).

Your fiery determination
and strength
matched your auburn locks
from the start.

Each step and stage
you grew through,
I watched carefully
and proudly.

There never seemed
to be anything
that you didn't excel at.

And as amazing
as the accomplishments were,
nothing compared to
the impressive heart

I continually marvel
at my good fortune.
At the opportunity
I have to tag along
and watch you grow.

Though at times, life throws
arduous curves;
I know you will always tackle
the tough with tenacity.

And I will always be there
to cheer you on.

I hope you will always
How lucky I feel
to be your mom.

It's my most grand role...
and you are a crown jewel.

A true shining star
that began to light up the sky
fifteen years ago.

- Love, Mom


Happy Birthday, Brynn!

I love you!

Us at The Cure concert: May, 2008 

Reader Comments (10)

awww that's so sweet, Jinxi
i'm sure she'll love it
i know i would haha.

July 22, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAmi

Very cool Jinxi.

Very cool.



July 22, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDave

Great poem Jinxi!

And happy birthday Brynn!

July 22, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterScuba Steve

Awww, that's beautiful Jinxi!

July 22, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterRachel

WOW you are an amazing, thoughtful, and loving person; I really enjoyed this! Thank you for sharing =) Your daughter is absolutely gorgeous! Happy birthday brynn!

July 22, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterStacy QUEEN B

*Happy Birthday, Brynn*
Very nice poem

July 22, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterVerica

Beautiful poem for the most beautiful 15-year-old girl in the world!!! Love both of you so much!

July 22, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDiane

I love this poem, Brynn is lucky to have you for a mom. Hope you two had a great day today out and about. Love you lots.

Happy Birthday Brynn, LOVE YOU LOTS.


July 22, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSteve

I think that this is the gift she will value the most.

Brynn is a gift to two amazing people. You and Steve are the best parents anyone could ever ask for. Though the teen years are never easy, I know that you all will do great. You are such a loving family...

Like I've told you before, you are raising some beautiful children. Brynn is an amazing young woman because she has amazing parents. You say you are lucky to be the mother of such a wonderful girl... but I say that she is lucky to have such a phenomenal woman for a mother, and such an amazing man for a father... and you know what? she is well on her way to becoming a phenomenal woman herself.

Tell her I said happy birthday..
hugs to you all.. =)

July 22, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAdri

I ended up almost in tears...thank you for sharing with us!
... and Happy Belated Birthday to Brynn!!!

July 26, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMarianna
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