Selflessness In The Least Likely of Places
I am frequently inspired over at MMT and really dig the concept of the site. Yesterday, a post hit me particularly hard and I haven't been able to stop thinking about it.
Wow! What an example of selflessness. Here is a man with literally NOTHING and his heart is so kind that he is concerned with someone else at such a dire time. This small story had such an impact on me. Couple that with the fact that the day before, Steve was reading me an article regarding population growth and climate change from Free Inquiry magazine about the fact that over 2.1 billion people (that's 1/3 of the world's 6.7 billion population) lives on less than $2 per day. Two dollars! It seems unfathomable, doesn't it? Yet that is reality for one-third of humanity.
Having both of these messages on my mind really made me step back and think. Issues that I sometimes let seem so grandiose are truly so trivial. Those of us lucky enough to eat regular meals, have a roof over our heads, enjoy luxuries such as our computers and phones, and tons of other examples that we routinely take for granted; will most likely never be in a position where we are scrambling to pull $2 together to survive the day.
I think it's such a great reason to reflect on all of the things that we DO have in life, instead of wishing for more "stuff," money, power, or whatever excesses we think we need. Remember how great it feels to share with someone, like the man from Zimbabwe taught us. Try to think of someone else's feelings and how important making "little differences" or sending random bits of kindness can be to those who need it. And to help make a difference when it comes to the huge problem of poverty, check out this site for excellent ideas about ways that you really CAN do something. Choose a few from the list and make a goal to really DO them. Once you have, choose a few more. Tell your friends and family to as well. Kindness and compassion are contagious.
I know that nobody can do everything, but everybody can do something; so I think it is really important to sprinkle those "somethings" around. A grateful attitude and a desire to make a difference really can go a long way. Remember the MMT post when things get you down and ask yourself if you would share the sandwich like he did.
Reader Comments (6)
When you showed me that MMT post yesterday, I too was blown away. Sharing is such a simple concept that virtually all of us are taught when we are kid, then it all gets thrown out the window once we get into adulthood and join the race of life.
Beautiful, powerful post Jinxi. XO XO XO
Jinxi, you're seriously one of the most amazing human beings that inhabit this earth. You and your family -- I mean that.
I don't know if you're aware of this and I'm sure you'd like it (or maybe want to post an entry about it):
Free "I support gay marriage" sticker.
Oops, I left out another freebie in my post that I think you'll like.
A free Human Rights Campaign bumper sticker.
(Don't forget to check the box at the bottom that says "Send me an HRC bumper sticker.")
This is a great story. I want to take a moment to share a similar story my Mom told me.
My Mom used to work at a department store that had a program for less fortunate kids. The kids chosen for this program would get to come to the store one morning before it was open to the public, they'd get fed a nice catered breakfast, a backpack with school supplied, and a gift card for 200 dollars to buy school clothes. My Mom said the kids would often head right to the adult department and ask to buy a jacket for their Mom/Dad because they really needed one. It seems often those with nothing are the ones who share or think of others better then anyone!
This distinctly reminds me of a sign I saw on a damaged building in New Orleans. My boyfriend and I were traveling here to New Mexico last year from North Carolina. We were planning on stopping in New Orleans to stay the night, but once we got there we were surrounded by dangerous people, places, and a lot of damaged buildings. On a wall off an overpass were the words " Wealth in the Face is Poverty is a Disgrace to Humanity."
There were plenty of people in New Orleans that were still rich and still had nice cars. While many others starved and lived under bridges. I had never seen something so sad and heart breaking in AMERICA. It was a turning point for me.
After that day I can honestly say that I changed my opinions, actions, and thoughts. I became so much more compassionate.
I don't do much as far as giving money away goes. But my boyfriend and I help anyone that asks. There are a lot of times when we are shopping that someone requests our help in lifting something heavy or finding something. We help when we can.
The world is full of grim things, but all of the good that we can do as people helps to clean that griminess away.