Gearing Up For My First Swim Meet in 20 Years
So I've been gearing up for my first swim meet, which just so happens to be going down this Saturday. As in, two days away, Saturday. Eek!
Photo by ashleigh290It's a really strange position to be in at this point in my life. I guess I never thought I would find myself here again. I mean, I haven't competed in a MEET-meet for, ummmm, dare I say it ... twenty years.
Yep, in 1990 I was a sophomore in college, which was also the year my shoulder gave me all sorts of painful problems and ended a swimming career that had begun when I was just seven years-old.
Since I have been back in the pool, those old memories have come flooding back - both good and bad. For the most part, my little journey back into swimming-land has been quite enjoyable. I love the exercise factor, and the satisfaction I feel after getting in a good swim in the morning before I head home to start the work day, is very rewarding. But woah, the competition factor is like a whole new ball game for some reason.
I am not sure why. From what I hear, US Masters Swimming meets are pretty chill, laid back and fun, in comparison to age-group era meets that I grew up with. I am excited about experiencing the whole scene and to see what I am capable of accomplishing in this 39 year-old body. But there is just something about the race factor that keeps butterflies a-fluttering when I envision it all happening.
I was telling my good friend Tiger how nervous I was feeling about it and he gave me lots of reassuarnce, as well as great advice from his days as a professional golfer *(this is not the Tiger of the Woods-variety, mind you. This is the authentic, legal-birth-named Tiger who is not in the habit of being caught in tabloid scandals. It seems that this other "Tiger" fellow jumped the train in the name-game of pro golfers; uh-huh, that's right).
One thing he said really resonated with me when he advised, "Just remember, it's you against the course (or water in your case)." When I read it, it totally hit me that all of these nervous little anxieties that I have been letting eat at me aren't really necessary if I just simplify it down and focus on doing my best.
Since I have been training on my own, and not with a team, I haven't really been able to gauge if I'm ready for this whole shebang, but if I take it back to Tiger's advice and make it about me and the water, that's really the true test, isn't it? All I can do is what I can do.
I'm sure that the competitiveness that still lingers somewhere inside of me might peek out once I begin (at least, I hope it does); but at this point, I'm just stoked to see what I can squeak out and IF I can finish my events.
I shall keep you posted on what goes down and on how many other bald, tattooed, cupcake-lovers show up in my heats. ;)

Reader Comments (8)
Yay! Tiger is so awesome, and I agree with his good advice!
Give it everything you've got Jinxi, doll! You are going to do an amazing job! You've been working so hard towards your goal and I know you are going to prove to yourself just how well you can do :)!
Love you so much! You will have 3 crazy Wendls cheering their hearts out for you!
Good luck, Jinxi! I can't wait to see the results.
Jinxi is gonna rock that swim meet! Anarchy on Saturday!!! Go Jinxi Boo!!!
ed. note...Although I didn't last long as a pro golfer, I can say that I have always been loyal to my girlfriends. Take that, Eldrick! lol ;-)
yes! its all about u! not ur dad( i know that) but what u can do under sheer enjoyment! im sure ur kids will enjoy this! wish i could see ya! go big and kick ass! ull do great! ps i also joined the master program about two years ago! dont ask... haha have fun!
tiger sure got it's just you and the water. whatever you accomplish is all your hard work and determination. lol you have an edge being bald you are going to be more aero-dynamic. you'll be gliding through the water like a beautiful blur of color. i wish i could be there to cheer you on but know i will be cheerin my heart out from NY!!!!! you are gonna kick butt!!! CUPCAKE LOVE, tammi xoxo
I wish I could be there to see you, my sweet daughter! I'll be thinking of you and cheering you on in my heart!!! Love you so much, and I'm so proud of you!!! Have fun and remember how much your family loves you and how proud we are of you and all that you are!!!!! Send me a text and let me know how you do; okay?!
Best wishes, Jinxi. You're going to be amazing!!
From one cupcake lover to another. <3
Cutie! Love ya--good luck--you will do amazing because you are amazing!