When You Need a Moment of Peace, Relax and Watch This
Not long ago I wrote an article about Finding Inner Peace in a Busy World that includes a little sign you can print out and hang on your computer (or TV) when you just need to escape, stop, unwind, and breathe.
On that same note, I wanted to share with you a video that I love. If you ever need to de-stress for just a moment, soak in this one minute piece of beauty. It's relaxing and gorgeous. Just sit back and enjoy the raindrops and lights. Listen to the calming noise and imagine yourself sitting there in the midst of it all.
Relax. Breathe.

Reader Comments (7)
This makes me think of a happy springtime rain-and makes me wish (once again) that we had a tin roof so we could listen to the raindrops dancing on it.
That video was great! It was perfect to capture a minute of relaxation today :)! Thanks bunches, doll!
What a beautiful video -- and great tips in the other article you linked to. I need to remember these things more often. Thanks.
Wonderfully soothing. Thanks, Jinxi!
That was very relaxing, Jinxi [something I really needed!]. Thank you so much. xoxo
thank you...ahhhhh 1 minute of sweet relaxation...just perfect
Thanks JINXI BOO... Very timely for me right now and much appreciated
This reminds me of Japan. =]