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How Pursuing Less Has Helped Me To Become More

It’s always so amazing to me what an ongoing journey this thing called life is. We search for answers and inspiration. We oftentimes move forward, and occasionally take steps back. Just when we believe we have found certain directions, we reassess and begin traveling down an even different road. It truly is an evolving trek.

One area where I am learning to find sincere contentment is in my ongoing quest to simplify. Realizing that it’s ok to pursue less and focus on “fewer” has opened up my eyes in so many ways. It’s quite contrary to messages that we are constantly bombarded with - those of doing more, making more money, buying more things; showing off to society that you have really “made it” if you are conquering this mantra.

When I realized that just because this was the message of the majority, that I didn’t have to necessarily buy into it, things shifted - in my mind, in my actions, in my perspective. Joy doesn’t come from ownership of items, and it certainly doesn’t come from working more, to make more, to buy more. If anything, in my case, it comes from having less.

When you have less, you realize exactly what it is that you appreciate. You have less to focus on, therefore making what you do own, such a treasure. Time becomes the most priceless commodity and using those moments being with the people you love, while doing the things that you enjoy, is worth far more than masses of accumulation.

Learning to step outside of the parameters that society sets and finding your own framework is such a key. There can’t be a rule book in life. Happiness comes in so many forms and living each day in your OWN way - even when it goes against the expectations of most - is a lesson that took me such a long time to figure out, but opened the door to so much more once I did.

Photo by David Dashiell

Reader Comments (4)

Decluttering our lives has been great. It is a process and we still have some work to do, but loosing the attachment to stuff is great.

Love you.

October 27, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterSteve

As always, Jinxi love, you and Steve have been a huge inspiration for Sam and I. We love your thoughts on relieving yourselves of the 'stuff burden' and enjoying time well spent instead :). Clayton and I have been working our way through the house and ended up with two trunk loads of stuff for goodwill just this week. It feels so much nicer in our house without all the clutter.
Thank you always for being such amazing people! We love you guys so much :)

October 27, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterCass

Great writing! Every bit of it makes sense to me. I think you are such an inspiration. Thx for your blog. I check it every few days when I feel like I am in need to feel a little better. : )

November 1, 2010 | Unregistered Commenteragreene

The best thing to do is let go of stuff, everyday I rid myself of more stuff. It seriously feels so good to let go of things that just take up space, every monday (garbage night) I make sure that as much stuff as i can put out goes. I keep giving away anything and everything i can to people who can use or need it, then whatever is left goes to the curb. i feels so good to purge things that just take up space.

November 2, 2010 | Unregistered Commentertammi
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