Videos and Results From My 2nd USMS Swim Meet
Yesterday was a fun day. Steve and I headed down to Fullerton, California in Orange County for my second USMS swim meet. As you may recall, last month we traveled to Las Vegas for my first meet in 20 years, as I learned the ropes of how Masters Swimming works and got my feet wet (no pun intended...well, maybe a little bit). ;)
This time around, I decided to choose three events so I could really focus and not feel too overwhelmed, so I swam the 100 Freestyle, the 100 I.M. (which is one lap of each stroke), and the 50 Freestyle. I really just wanted to improve upon what I did in Vegas and lo-and-behold, I was able to do just that.
I ended up winning all three of my events in my age group (35-39 yr. women).**
Though I have a ways to go, I was happy with my times yesterday and felt like the improvement from last month was a good reflection of the time I have been dedicated to training every day.
My times were:
- 100 Freestyle: 1:02.95
- 100 Individual Medley: 1:13.21
- 50 Freestyle: 28.91
And a little bonus to them all is that each of these were qualifying times for the USMS Nationals meet that will be held in Atlanta, Georgia in May. In Las Vegas, I qualified in one event (the 500 Freestyle), so I was stoked to make it in these three as well.
Here are two videos that Steve shot of me yesterday if you want to check out two great ways to completely wear out a tattooed mom of three.
**In USMS, the events are deck-seeded, slowest to fastest by entered time; ages and genders combined. And THAT means that any age or gender can be swimming next to any age or gender, in any particular heat, depending on what their entered time is. So winning (or not winning) your heat, doesn't necessarily let you know where you placed in your own age group, until all of the heats are swum and the times are collected.

Reader Comments (14)
Well done!
Good job yesterday! It was great to finally meet you in person! See you at the pentathlon :)
It was great fun yesterday Jinxi. Your strength inside and out inspire me. Lots of love.
YAYAYAY!!!! Way to go! First in your age group is awesome awesome awesome! And how fabulous that you've qualified for Nationals in FOUR events! *As an online acquaintance who feels that she knows you much better than you know her, mainly due to the Wife Swap episode* I'm so proud of you! Due to my unparalleled powers of observation, I noticed the meet was outside; do you train outside as well?
I'm super happy that you swam well! :)
Damn, you kicked butt! Did I hear the announcer call you Jininx Seddale?? lol. Seriously dude, wtd?
I hope Steve had his matching USA flag shirt and shorts on, because you know, 9/11 happened. lol ;-)
Jokes aside, great job JINXI!!!
Jinxi, you are an amazing woman! CONGRATULATIONS now and MANY MANY more to come!!! I love you!
you're so awesome! you go girl!
Yay for the rockin videos of you, Jinxi, doll! I am more and more inspired by and proud of you all the time :). Your times are fantastic! Hope you're able to make the trip to Atlanta and compete! I agree with Tiger-you DO kick butt! Love you! xoxo
Great results :)
Can't wait to watch you CRUSH those times as we move through the meets until Atlanta!
I'll look more at your page, but am interested in where you are training and who is your coach.
Have a great 2 weeks and we'll see you in Pasadena at the CAL Tech Pentathlon!
Congratulations, girl! You continue to inspire me every day!
WOOOHOOO look at you go...congrats on the wins...YOU ROCKED IT OUT GIRL!!! LOVE YA TONS
you are an inspiration
I had no idea you were such a good swimmer. Just watched your IM video. My only suggestion is to learn how to do SDKs off the walls. I think you could have gone a wee bit faster if you had stayed down just a little longer after the fly to back transition and then the breast to free.
Leslie's blog on USMS is really good--she may be the best "adult onset" SDKer I have ever met.
(SDK - submerged dolphin kicks in case some of your readers aren't familiar with the terminology.)
Nice camera work, too, by your hubbie.
I can't tell you how jealous I am to think that people are racing OUTSIDE this time of year!
I can't believe this is my first time reading this!! I am so happy for you, Jinxi! What an accomplishment. Well done.