Face Your Fears By Living in the Here and Now
When we fear failure are we really just fearing what will happen in the future? Sometimes heading in a new direction is halted because we fear what is going to happen if we actually start moving forward. Maybe it's best to just stop fixating on what lies ahead and zero in on NOW. What can be done today? What little advancements can we begin right now?
Once today ends and tomorrow comes, then again, focus on the now. Be in the moment and not in the past, nor the future. The only tense of time that we can control is the NOW anyway, so might as well just hone in on what's in front of us at the present.
I know how challenging and intimidating it can be to conquer fears. I'm a planner by nature and like to know what's coming next, but I also know that little steps are the only way to reach big accomplishments, and so starting small - in the here and now - is the best way to open up a new door and start moving forward.
Clear out the fears by taking on something today that you have been putting off starting. Do it slowly if you need to, but do it well. Tomorrow, do the same thing; and then the next day, the same; and pretty soon the anxiety and apprehension will slowly alleviate, as you prove to yourself that you can succeed after all.
The here and now. That's what it's all about. Seize it...today!
Which means: "Seize the day, trusting as little as possible in the future." - Click to view larger

Reader Comments (3)
Good stuff, Jinxi!!!
You're my daily psychiatrist. =)
How much did that just cost me? lol.
I was thinking about Fear and Carpe Diem too in the other day!! and I love the way you write about theml :) we shall not fear the Future cuz the Future is here, and Past already gone away. love you Jinxi :)
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