Clocks, Compasses & Why I Deleted My Facebook Page
What comes first, the compass or the clock? Before we can manage time (the clock), it is important to know where we are going, what our priorities and goals are, and in which direction we are headed (the compass).
Where we are headed can be more important than how fast we are going. Rather than always focusing on what's urgent, learning to focus on what is really important can make all the difference.
I find it helpful to reassess the direction I’m headed from time-to-time. Sometimes I get stuck in such a routine and get so comfortable with the pattern of my daily tasks that I miss out on some of the important treasures that might be passing me by.
Yesterday was one such day.
Reassessment (aka Follow My Compass) Day.
I made a list of my priorities, looked at how much time I was dedicating to them, and realized that things weren’t quite in synch. I was letting time slip by, performing tasks and focusing attention on much of what was NOT on my priority list. I was letting hours of my life get eaten up just to keep fulfilling the wrong agenda.
And so, along with a few other simplification adjustments, I deleted my personal Facebook page. I love the friends there and I apologize for the abruptness, but the hours spent answering messages and comments, liking posts and posting links, reloading the news feed to be sure I wasn’t leaving anyone out or missing any news… it was just gobbling up my day and my sanity. I’m not quite sure how I got so wrapped up in it all and why I can’t seem to just pop in and out occasionally, but for me, it’s one of those all-or-nothing gigs. It was hard to hit the “good-bye” button, but I did so with the purpose of reclaiming some of my purpose and my life back.
If we were connected on Facebook, please don’t take anything personally - it certainly was not about that in any sense. I am just determined to focus on parts of my priority list that I had let lapse and am dedicated to following my “compass” again. It may not have been a popular decision, but I know for me it was the best decision. You can always find me here at home base, on this site. I try to post each day and have some other projects in the works as well, so please visit me often (even if it’s not through the networking Land of Facebook).
Forward march…

Reader Comments (6)
Yay, you are free. Great info in your post. Getting sidetracked away from what is really important is always so easy to do.
I was tempted so many times to start a page, but thankfully, never did. The best part is those fascist over at FB have not collected any info on me, hahaha.
Amazing post, Jinxi! I agree with everything you said. =)
Goodbye facecrook!
I too deleted facebook a few weeks ago. It feels like an hour or 2 has been added to each day now!
Plus it frees me up to help rid the world of evil doers. Just me, a stick of gum, some staples and a mechanical pencil...
Lovely blog by the way!
Good for you, Jinxi!
Realizing your priorities, realizing what changes you needed to make, and then following through. Excellent post on self-reflection. I'm sure your family will appreciate the extra time too. :)
ps - Thanks for the note on the fb changes on my blog too. <3
As long as I keep getting my dose of Jinxi in my inbox I have no complaints.
Apparently my kitty wanted to tell you "33" for some reason. Thank you for being so open with your personal struggles. At least once a week I tell someone in my life to visit your site for inspiration. They are all very thankful and so am I. I have love in my heart for you!
I hope your day is life changing today.
totally understand where you are comin from FB is a life sucker-upper. i was so sad when i saw you were gone but then when i read my e-mail and saw why, it all made perfect sense. direction and time are valuable things to have. as long as i still have ya here i'm a happy girl. you really keep me goin and positive when sometimes it's hard to do. love you oodles xoxo