How Finding Your Passion In Life Can Be Simple
“Find your passion.”
A statement that can sound daunting and overwhelming. How do we find our purpose? And even if we find it, where do we go from there?
In the past, I approached this subject with the idea that the answer had to be some grandiose, monumental acknowledgment, and until it hit me like a bolt of lightning, that I hadn’t truly figured it out yet. But lately, I am realizing that it’s all really a lot more simple than it sounds. In fact, simplicity is actually the key.
Finding your passion can be as elementary as finding what makes you happy.
- Is your work useful?
- Did it help someone else?
- Did it matter to you?
- Did you look back on the day and feel content?
- Are you looking forward to getting up in the morning and working on it again?
If you answered yes to any of these, then maybe you are on the road to finding your passion.
Useful, meaningful work doesn’t have to make the evening news report or break world records. It doesn’t have to make millions of dollars to be labeled successful. There are no rules in this game of life and if you are told that there are, then leave that match immediately and start your own game up with a new unstructured decree (which would actually make it a non-decree; but you know what I‘m saying).
Your purpose and your passion are completely in your own hands. Whether you endeavor upon these aspirations as a part of your career, as your favorite hobby, or are just in the planning stages of how to unleash the fervor - realize that it’s all up to you.
Don’t let the notion of ostentatious requirements define your passion.
Keep it simple.
Keep it YOU.
And then approach it with, well…passion.

Reader Comments (3)
I love the idea of simplicity. Keeping it as simple as possible and avoiding all the external things that ultimately do not matter. My Torts professor always told us to remember one simple rule, KISS. "Keep It Simple Stupid"
keep it simple, always good advice.
started a blog in case you still want to spy on me with out your fb :)
it should be linked on this post :)
Will think of these and will be back verysoon.