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Vegan Enchiladas Recipe: Black Bean, Rice and Cheese

The great thing about enchiladas is that you can fill them with pretty much anything you like. There aren't any real "rules" when I make them; I use whatever leftovers and pantry goodies I have at the time. Sometimes I use veggies, like zucchini...sometimes I include soy crumbles when I want a meaty texture.

The recipe below includes what I used yesterday, but feel free to alter it to your taste and style. Try something new every time until you find the mix that fits your style.


  • 24 x corn tortillas
  • 1 can enchilada sauce (I use mild - but spice it up if you like things hot)
  • 1 block firm tofu - well pressed
  • 1 can black beans (use pinto if you prefer) 
  • 1 can sliced olives (I use the large 6 oz can) 
  • 1 bag Daiya cheese shreds
  • 1 onion - diced
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • 2-3 tablespoons nutritional yeast (I use Bragg's seasoned)
  • 1.5 - 2 cups cooked brown rice
  • 1 tomato - diced
  • 1.5 tablespoons olive oil
  • salt, pepper, Lawry's seasoning salt (about 1 teaspoon each or to taste)


1) Drizzle a little olive oil in frying pan, warm and lightly brown corn tortillas. Set aside to cool.

2) Saute onion and garlic until lightly brown.

3) In food processor, combine 1 block pressed tofu (cut into cubes), olive oil, nutritional yeast, salt, pepper and seasoning. Blend to smooth.

4) Add diced tomato to tofu mix and quickly pulse until it starts to blend.

5) Pour tofu mix into large mixing bowl.

6) Drain beans and gently fold into tofu mix. Add onion, garlic, brown rice, and mix until blended.

7) Add 2/3 bag of Daiya cheese to mix (reserving the other 1/3 to top the enchiladas with). Gently stir until blended.

8) Spray casserole dish with cooking spray and then spoon a layer of enchilada sauce on the bottom of the dish.

9) Begin filling the tortillas and rolling into enchiladas. Place in casserole dish, side by side. I really pack mine in.

10) Once dish is full, generously spoon enchilada sauce over tortillas. Sprinkle with remaining Daiya cheese and then top with sliced olives.

11) Bake in 375 degree oven for 30-35 minutes until sauce is bubbly.

12) Enjoy!