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Video From Black and Grey's Finest Art Gallery Show

You may remember a few weeks ago when I interviewed Big Gus about his incredible project, Black and Grey's Finest. If you missed it the first time, be sure to catch it here. This art book project has been in the works for over two years and the book (which I am honored to be doing some writing for) will be out very soon.

Black and Grey’s Finest is a stunning collection of artwork from some of the world’s top artists. Just check out the impressive artist list and see what I mean. Each piece is a one-of-a-kind original, created specifically for the book. These black and grey creative works were done with great care and focus in mind, and each of these artistic accomplishments were available to view and purchase on March 26th at an auction at Timeline Gallery in San Pedro, California.

The proceeds were dedicated to autistic-related charities and WOW, what an evening it was!! With over 1,000 people in attendance, including some of the biggest names in the tattoo and art industry, it was definitely a night to remember. Check out this video from Sullen TV that runs you through some of the inspiration and good vibes had by all. Enjoy!