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Celebrate Friday the 13th at Tattoo Seen in the Bronx, NY

If you're lucky enough to be in or around the Bronx area in New York next Friday the 13th, stop by Tattoo Seen and take part in their super cool and creative event that rings in the new year with new ink.

In honor of the first Friday the 13th of the year, Tattoo Seen has commissioned all six of their artists (Mel, Pon, Den, Maggie, Nice Guy Mike, and Prospect) to compose and paint thirteen original "13-themed" designs for tattoo collectors to choose from.

The shop will have an open schedule and artists will be tattooing their thirteen-inspired pieces throughout the day and into the night until the last customer has been marked with the big 1-3.

Wish I could be there, but I will look forward to reports about all the fun from my friends at the shop.

No spooky superstitions going down on that day...just lots of fantastic new ink!

Tattoo Seen    
3177 East Tremont Ave,
Bronx, NY New York 10461
Phone: 718-892-9370


Tattoo Seen's Facebook page