Huh? What Miss California Thinks of Gay Marriage
Listen as Miss California stumbles through her answer during the Miss USA Pageant; replying to Perez Hilton's question regarding same sex marriage. She says, "I think it's great that Americans are able to chose one or the other." Oh, they are? Ummm, in how many states is that choice possible?
"We live in a land where you can choose same sex marriage or opposite marriage." Really, you can? And what exactly is OPPOSITE MARRIAGE anyway? (lol)
She then goes on to say, "You know what? In my country and in my family, I think that I believe that a marriage should be between a man and a woman. No offense to anyone out there; but that's how I was raised and that's how I think, that it should be between a man and a woman. Thank you."

Reader Comments (33)
Scary, indeed. The power of human stupidity never fails to amaze and disgust me in equal measure.
Love you lots
xoxo Wen
She did not refer to gay marriage as "opposite marriage" You posted the quote right here in your own article. Read it again: "We live in a land where you can choose same sex marriage or opposite marriage."
"Same sex marriage" (gay marriage) or "opposite marriage" ('normal' marriage)
Oh jeeze. It's a wonder with constituents like that why gay marriage isn't legal in all 50 states.
she should have just said world peace and less people would have been offended and half of the population in california wouldn't wanna punch her in her fake n bake face.
i dont think she even knew, it didnt make any sense! she went from one to the other. haha.
Oh jeez. Ms. California = Prop 8. I can't really say I'm shocked. After CA and Prop 8, nothing shocks me. Sigh...
Thanks for keeping us aware, Jinx.
What a stupid twat!
This is why I don't watch things like this.
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Hmmm, it sounds like she doesn't even know what she thinks about it.
Because she couldn't answer the question herself, she went to what her parents think & how she was raised.
I actually feel bad for the girl. I wouldn't have wanted to receive that question, because no matter how you answer it, someone is going to be angry.
This is crazy, sad and funny as the same time.
@ Anonslashb - Jinxi did not say that Miss California referred to gay marriage as opposite marriage. You should read the blog again. Jinxi posed the question as to "what exactly is OPPOSITE MARRIAGE anyway?"
what a dumb biyatch! Lets punch her!
"in her COUNTRY? SHE HAS HER OWN COUNTRY? I NEED TO KNOW ABOUT THIS COUNTRY" ... I would be too afraid to visit this country.
True, gay marriage isn't as legal as she implied, saying gays have a choice to marry or not. But she was absolutely correct in that marriage is only acceptable when it's a man and a woman. For anyone who doubts that, tell me please, do the parts even fit? Can you take two male ends, or two female end, and put them together? No! So it's obvious, even in NATURE, that it's not meant to be.
But, that's not even the most important point. Morally, it is a serious sin against God. Like it or not - God makes the rules. You don't have to believe it - His laws stand without your belief being required. The only right think for a homosexual, or straight person to do who is committing sexual immorality - is to repent of their sin, and trust Jesus to save them. Anything less is an intentional rebelling against God. Miss California didn't take as strong a stand as I would have liked, but she still did well. Bless her heart. A message to all gays - repent and get right with God, while you are still alive and breathing. For what shall you perish? Be born again, and find eternal life in Jesus Christ!
Of course I messed up my URL in my above comment. If anyone would like to reach me to yell at me, or discuss, it is corrected and you can reach me at myspace. Thanks Jinxi for posting this! I usually don't check back to other blogs for responses, (I'm lazy, sorry!), so if anyone wants to complain or talk about what I said above, feel free. Take care Jinxi!
@ Steve Finley
I am sorry to put it so bluntly, but your argument is simply lame. I am open to rational well thought out arguments for your view, but to say that the male ends and female ends do not match up is just lame. Then to bring up nature as proof that homosexuality is not natural, um, you should do some research. Two seconds on Google brought up almost 3 millions returns for homosexuality in nature. Hundreds upon hundreds upon hundreds of species have been documented as routinly engaging in homosexual behavior.
Please spend a few minutes and read this article on National Geographic.
Then the rest of the babble about God and repenting, well, um, maybe prove to me that Jesus existed in the first place and then we can discuse the absurd level of divinity that you give him.
hi jinxi
Before anyone can comment a marrige is a union between two people who love each other and thats it if in the eyes of god this is wrong tuff
What is Perez Hilton doing judging a Miss USA pageant? I guess I've been sick too long.
seriously? SERIOUSLY??
what a tool. these arent even beauty pageants, their tard pageants. its unfortunate that these girls only have their looks and their parents money going for them.
as for @ steve finley
im debating wether or not you are as retarded or more retarded than our little miss california.
morally? really? since when is not being gay a moral? i must have missed the part where it was lumped in with, you know, not murdering people, not stealing oh! not being gay. check.
its cute that you have to rely so heavily on religion. that if, you waste your time babbling awkwardly about how god is going to "pop a cap" if you dont repent, he will pat you on the back. in heaven of course.
love doesnt have color or gender. all us sinners know that. now, i gotta get back to intentionally pissing god off, excuse me whilst i make babies outta wed lock....
After reading the above posts, it seems plain to me that the only people who are angry and full of hate and completely intolerant are the people asking for tolerance. The people posting against gay marriage are doing so in a kind and loving manner. I am amazed how everyone screaming for tolerance can be so intolerant of Christians and their views. Whatever happened to freedom of speech for ALL Americans...not just the ones who agree with your views? Whatever happened to freedom of religion in America....which includes Christianity. By the way, the men who instituted these freedoms in America were Christians. It was the Christians who fought and died to give you the freedom to bash them in this country! If America is free, then I would hope Miss America would be free to have her own opinions and stand by them. As for those of you who ask for proof that Jesus is even real before discussing His divinity, it is painfully obvious that you haven't searched for this proof are listening to the lies of Liberal America (or LIE-beral America). There is exhaustive historical evidence to prove the reality of Jesus other than the Bible. Try reading something by Josh McDowell, Lee Strobel, or C. S. Lewis who set about to disprove the Bible and became devout Christians when they realized the amount of proof that is out there. Someone once said, an atheist who has never done the research himself, or who has only researched their side of the argument, is not a true atheist...they are only an idiot. To speak factually on belief or disbelief of a subject, you must do the research (of BOTH sides of the argument) so that you can indeed make an intelligent, informed decision.
I believe Jesus was very real. And I believe Jesus hung out with the outcasts of society and if Jesus were here today, he'd hang out with gays and he'd question any human thinking they have a tyrannical hold over other humans' rights. Jesus, can I get a whootwhoot. I love God. I am all for God. But I am not for an interpretation of God or the rules of God filtered through the perceptions of men, ie the bible, many churches, someone guilting me into The Way. Many of us get lost in the fray of these interpretations: women, gays, people of color and outcasts of society (Jesus' peeps). I believe in freedom of speech. And in the rules of freedom of speech it doesn't say we can't be angry. The angry ones are fed up. Like the people who founded this country. They were angry, so angry took treacherous ship rides to a new place (though we won't go into what happened to the indigenous people . . .) The people who founded this country sought to escape One Way of religion. And those who have fought and died for this country have been every religion, every color; each gender, even many gays. One love, y'all! I think that's really the whole point, and sometimes we have to fight hard for that.
Oh, and hi Jinxi! Love ya.
@ Jeanna.
You were saying.
"Whatever happened to freedom of religion in America....which includes Christianity.By the way, the men who instituted these freedoms in America were Christians. It was the Christians who fought and died to give you the freedom to bash them in this country!"
Just because there were Christians amongst those who instituted these freedoms, it doesn't mean they all were. They knew the importance of the separation of Church and State. A little more research on the matter would be beneficial for those who still seem to think that this was founded as a Christian nation.
As far as people doing the research for BOTH sides, as you put it. Well, it might come as a shock to you, but some Atheists (like Steve) actually read the bible and research it's content. That is more than I could say for the majority of Christians that usually resort to verbal vomit, rather than a well thought out exchange of ideas, or opinions.
There is one thing that I am inclined to agree with you on though, and it is the lack of tolerance. I do see it on both sides. However, it is extrememly difficult to be tolerant of those who are willfully ignorant of certain things. The worst part is that outside of their convenient religious convictions, those who oppose same-sex marriage have no other logical argument to offer. Not that I've heard yet anyway.
I don't attack a Christian (or anyone else) for their beliefs. I do however have a HUGE problem with people trying to shove what they think is the "truth" down my throat. I think this is what prompts what you call intolerance by those who are not Christian (or believe in God).
Personally, as much as I was apalled (and confused) by Miss California's response, I do realize that it is her right to have her opinion. As backward, and lame as I think it is.
steve wasnt jesus born a jew as it was the only religon in that place at that time and if you believe in adam and eve you must agree with insest im not saying there is not a higher being but open your eyes abit the best thing you and everyone else can do is look at the person next to u and love them no matter what race or sexuality