Should the Flaming Lips' "DYR" Be Oklahoma's Official State Song?
Do you think that the Flaming Lips' song "Do You Realize" should be the official state song of Oklahoma? Oklahomans did. 21,000 voters cast "DYR" as their ballot choice in an online contest involving 10 songs. But then Republican state representative Cory Holland came along and decided that he was offended by a t-shirt that band member Michael Ivins had worn during the band's visit to the state capital. The shirt featured the hammer and sickle, the communist Russia symbol, that went out almost two decades ago when the Soviet Union did.
The resolution naming the Lips' tune the official state song did not receive the 51 House votes it needed to pass; falling short at 48-39. Though Governor Brad Henry has stepped up and declared that he will sign an executive order on Tuesday, naming "Do You Realize" the OK official ditty after all.
Watch this excellent video commentary by Ed Kelly, editor of the Oklahoman, where among other points, he states that the House punishes “diversity of thought, religion, politics and just about anything that doesn’t conform to its narrow view of what Oklahoma ought to the outside world, we must look like a bunch of hicks.”
What do YOU think about the controversy? Do you think that is SHOULD be the state song?

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