Miss California Tells James Dobson That "Satan Tempted Me" - Video
I know that it sometimes seems that this topic will never go away, but due to the excellent discussion and debate from readers on previous blogs on the site (discussion has been extended to the "Let's Discuss It Further" tab too if you want to throw your two cents in), I thought it would be interesting to get perspective from participants as to this new statement from Miss California, Carrie Prejean, as she told James Dobson (the leader of Focus on the Family) , that Satan was tempting her during the Q&A segment of the Miss USA Pageant.
James Dobson: Why did you give the answer you did with regard to the affirmation of marriage?
Carrie Prejean: Honestly, I felt as though Satan was, and I don't want to say that this person represented Satan, but I felt as though Satan was trying to tempt me, and in asking me this question. And then God was in my head and in my heart saying, "Carrie, do not compromise this. You know, you need to stand up for me."
Do you believe that God really spoke to her during the split second before she gave her answer? Do you think that Satan (and God) would use the forum of a beauty pageant to tempt (and talk) to her to get their messages spread?

Reader Comments (23)
I hadn't seen this - wow. That's just.... dumb. No, I don't think God or Satan were tempting her. These girls train to answer questions in pageants from the time they are small children. She had decades of training to stand right there at that moment.
I think she's a media whore and knew that she would be the apex of someone's agenda. Who knows? She may even become governor of Alaska some day.
Well said Claudia!
You know she wanted to say Perez is the devil, but she caught herself just in time. I don't think god spoke to her. If god spoke to her(or anyone else for that matter), why didn't he just appear in front of everyone and stone Perez right on the spot? Because he is a figment of peoples imagination, maybe? Where was god when she got fake boobies? And did god tell her to walk with her hips swinging like that? And did he by her hair color for her? Ah, so many questions...only one answer in my opinion....no god, no devil. Just a confused mind.
Interesting that she would say that. Personally, I do believe that God can talk to a person in a situation such as this. And I do believe that Satan will use any means to tempt a person. Temptation comes from the devil, not from God. God provides the way out. And I have learned that those who are filled with the Holy Spirit will be attacked and tempted more than those who are not as a means to make them look bad and pull them away from God. Why was she asked that question? It could have been any other candidate; she could have been asked any other question, but she was asked that ONE. The one with a controversial answer. No matter what she said, she would have ticked off someone. But she is standing up for her beliefs. And it is my belief that God can talk to a person and tell them what to do. I hear His voice all the time, not like an actual person, but in my heart, leading me to a specific decision. You need to be a Christian to understand my meaning. It's that "still small voice; that little pull on your heart" as I've heard it put.
One more thought. What's the point of a pageant anyway? To see who is more beautiful? That ends up hurting more people in the long run; little girls who are at that tender age, trying to fit in, thinking they are not beautiful/ pretty/ cute, whatever you want to call it, just because they do not look like some "Ms. ______(whatever state)".
I am standing by my answer above, about God speaking to a person, but IMHO, a true Christian would not be competing in something as shallow as a pageant where you are judged on your body, appearance, what you say. Beauty is only skin deep. If she truly is a Christian, great, good for her, but she should not be up there in a competition like that. I am not passing judgement, just stating what I believe and feel is right.
God and Satan must speak AWFULLY fast. It seems to me, that the agenda-induced support she is receiving from the Bible belt has given her the courage (OK...misguidance) to say whatever nutty thing that pops into her head. "God" did not, however, tell her not to take all kinds of nekkid photos (a whole new and naughtier batch went online yesterday). Temptation, pornography--whatever the alleged sin---when she's feeling sexy, somehow her Bible flies out the window. LIke 100% of Christians, she picks and chooses what God "REALLY" believes. It's the 'my lusty, erection-causing nude shots are ok...GOD SAID...but the gays are sinners', kind of thing. Apparently (and not surprisingly) this seems to have worked on Donald Trump.
I think we all owe Miss California a great big thank you. She is a perfect example of the hypocrisy that runs rampant in organized religion.
@ Lisa
Perhaps Miss California was not being tempted, but was being punished by "god" for taking part in the pageant and standing up on stage nearly naked. Perhaps, god loves gays and Perez Hilton was an agent of god in Miss California's public punishment for her own sins.
You know that I think that is a bunch of crap, but it makes more sense for a Christian to go this route instead of support her actions.
I wonder if it would be possible to measure the amount of evil that has been done throughout human history by those who believed a pitchfork wielding demon was acting through them.
I'm not implying that Miss California's actions constitute "evil". At worst, it's just a misguided opinion. However, I am always troubled to hear anyone blaming anything on an otherworldly entity, be it good or evil.
Temptation doesn't come from some demonic figure... It comes from weaknesses in our own psyches. It is vitally important for us to understand that we are responsible for our own actions. Once we believe that Satan (or any other mythical imp) can drive us toward evil, we relinquish a certain degree of responsibility for our own actions.
The responsibility for the evil that we do begins and ends with us. Only by accepting this reality can we begin to understand our nature and work toward controlling it and doing good. The devil doesn't make us do evil. God doesn't make us do good. These are our own choices, and we must learn to make them wisely.
@ Steve...
That's one way of looking at it, being as I did say that I don't believe she should be up there in the first place, participating in the pageant, I do agree with you there. Or maybe it was one way to show that she is being a hypocrit, participating practically naked and then say she's a Christian, so she has to support her answer about being against gay marraige.
@ Brian B...
you are correct to a point. No, the devil does not make us do evil, and no, God does not make us do good. And yes, it is our choice and we need to make good choices. However, I do believe that the devil does tempt us by hitting our weaknesses and tempting us by giving us an ultimatum that appears to be fulfilling, exciting, etc. That is where we need to think about the better choice, no matter how hard it may be. And yes, God can make us do good to a point, by providing that way out of the temptation.
I think its so interesting how many opinions are fired upon everyone, stemming from a subject where NO ONE knows the right answer to because its from a book written a billion years ago with no physical proof..........believe in what you want........ I think Perez was stupid for asking that, who gives a fuck about gay marriage at a fancy pants pagent and that chick was just trying to sound 'christian' for reputation/family sake..........whatever. If she believes that then great, why controversy? its more than apparent that EVERYONE is a hypocrite anyways.......that dude did that to cause waves and waves were made, hooray....now what about feeding starving kids?
@ Deez
Wow, look at you. I did not realize that civil rights were so lame. Nobody here is against feeding starving kids. Perhaps we should legalize same sex marriage and allow them to adopt kids that need a loving home.
@ Deez
She is 'Miss California' and California had just banned gay marriage, so Perez is stupid for asking a question that a lot of people were debating around that time? No need to answer, I know, I know.
I just love that as a good Christian she is against gay marriage but will sow her hooters. I guess god was cool with that decision. God is real give and take, as long as you are not gay. :: insert sarcasm ::
Great comment Brian, I couldn't agree more.
I doubt very seriously that Miss California's brain was processing "good and evil" at that moment, and she is really just riding out her 15 minutes here by hanging with those who want to exploit this. And ofcourse, she gets to carry her own cross around because those mean, Godless liberals are now trying to smear her for the nude photos. She will never see the the hypocrisy because it will always be someone else's fault. Lying on an application? No big deal. Getting caught? How dare they - "they" are trying to smear me.
Maybe God told her to lie on her application. Or was that Satan?
I accept this site why because I learn more information from this site
I support gay marriage. I voted NO on prop 8... STEVE.....I think they SHOULD allow same sex couples to adopt starving kids............one had nothing to do with the other, .......asking a bimbo beauty queen about her take on gay marriage and then thinking its so unbelievable that she answered that way..........thats what I ment..........it had nothing to do with civil rights, it was for shock value but what the heck was the shock? I dont agree with her saying she represents California....I was getting pissed laughing at the people getting all pissed.......... and?
The absolute MOST entertaining thing was said this am on the Today Show Miss Cal - those nude photos? She was "adjusting" in the wind and the photographer snapped them! PRICELESS! Her self imposed cross is getting heavier every day.
yeah Julie!
And she said she wasn't looking too. The pics I saw she was looking right AT the camera. hahahahaha It's like "just keep holding press conferences Saint Carrie, keep reading someone's words other than your own, and goddamn it! show more boobies!"---that was the devil speaking to her, get it? ...I think her silliness is making me silly.
I am TOTALLY going to use the “I was just adjusting” excuse from now on, for everything! Get caught topless? Just adjusting! Get caught making a sex tape? Just adjusting! Burn the toast? Just adjusting! Have an abortion? Just adjusting! hahahaha
@ Deez
"one had nothing to do with the other"
That was kind of my point. We can all fight for equal rights and we can fight against world hunger. I can be upset that someone like Miss California became the spokesperson for an anti equal rights groups while she is saying that she represents the majority of America. At the same time we can all fight to end world hunger.
For instance it takes 7 pounds of food to produce one pound of meat. So anyone who is serious about ending world hunger should not eat meat. I am doing my part how about you.
I was hoping Miss California would just go away but she continues to pop up in the news.
As a Christian woman I must say that I am appauld by this woman's behavior. I am in favor of gay marriage and I am aware that there are many Christians who are not. I never had a problem with Miss CA speaking her mind. If she wants to announce to the world that she opposes gay marriage that's fine. I just can't help but think that she is an opportunist. She wasn't involved in the fight to "protect marriage" prior to her new found fame.
There is no way to know whether she truly felt that Satan was tempting her or that she asked God for his aid. I however, am not buying it. I don't believe her. And if she is lying...well there's nothing Christian about that.
As Feminist woman I do not agree with beauty pagents in any form. We have enough issues with women being judged by their appearance. I can not see how Miss CA or the others are setting any kind of example for our youth. This particular pagent is a competition for a scholarship. So, in order to get into school a woman must be considered beautiful by the judges before her? What are the judging? Her make up? Her breast implants? Is this natural beauty deserving of a scholarship?
I have never been a fan of Donald Trump. I think he is not the benevolent man that he attempts to portray. This pagent is not an opportunity to give to others but rather another business opportunity for himself.
He has accepted the fact that Miss CA has a history of posing for "sexy" photos...also very Christian right?
I've had enough of Miss CA. I find her to be quite ridiculous and she makes me feel sad.
@ Lady J....
You said ""As Feminist woman I do not agree with beauty pagents in any form. We have enough issues with women being judged by their appearance. I can not see how Miss CA or the others are setting any kind of example for our youth. This particular pagent is a competition for a scholarship. So, in order to get into school a woman must be considered beautiful by the judges before her? What are the judging? Her make up? Her breast implants? Is this natural beauty deserving of a scholarship?""
i say... WELL SAID!!!!!! :)