Oh, the Huma(Hannity): Obama Attacked For Using Grey Poupon
Can Sean Hannity get any more ridiculous? Watch this segment where he attacks Barack Obama for being too la-di-da for wanting dijon mustard on his burger. Just imagine what he would have said if the President ordered it the way I would have (a la veggie burger style).
**On a side note about Grey Poupon. I had a friend in high school who pulled up to her friend's car at a stop light and did the old, "Pardon me, but would you have any Grey Poupon." The driver in the car she was asking misunderstood the question and leaned over, reached into her glove box, pulled something out; then proceeded to hand her a tampon through the window. I have never been able to see or hear "Grey Poupon" without giggling to myself since.

Reader Comments (4)
I like the tampon story...It was a lot more interesting than that Obama piece...the guys boring (Obama is).
Oh wow. That has got to be the pettiest waste of airtime. Ridiculous is a nice word for what that was.
Well, In my humble opinion, I'd take this "la-di-da" president over the dimwitted, warmongering baboon we had to put up with.
.. hey, I'm just saying.
I enjoy this kind of thing. It's pretty refreshing to watch these sad little men who make their living off of spouting pure crap 24/7 try hard to find things to hate about Obama. Mustard? A new low, even for Hannity.
okay, I am not too happy with the Pres. right now; he is all for education and funding, yet I still do not have a teaching job because most districts are cutting. If he gets me a teaching job and I get to keep it, rather than be turned down because schools are laying off everywhere, I will have more respect for him, but really, who cares? Who cares what he puts on his sandwiches? That would be like criticizing the guy who came into Subway tonight and got everything on his meatball sub! So?