Porn & Politics: Do They Mix? Will Stormy Daniels Really Run for Senate?
Stormy Daniels, winner of the 2007 Golden G-String Award, says she is seriously considering a 2010 run for the US Senate seat, which is currently held by David Vitter, a Republican whose family-values reputation was blemished in 2007 when his name was linked to a Washington prostitution ring.
Stormy says that she was "recruited" for the job by a grassroots movement to campaign for the Senate seat. In this video from the Rick Sanchez show she says, "I might be a porn star, but I haven't done anything illegal," and goes onto question why Vitter is still in office. "He preached family values," she continues, " and not only did he go against everything that he preached and everything he believed in; he broke the law."
Daniels is currently doing a "Listening Tour" in Baton Rouge listening to the public to see if she should run. Below is a video from WBRZ-TV about her tour.
Stormy adamantly denies that it is a publicity stunt and states that she will leave the adult film business if she is elected. What do you think about the news? Would you vote for her?

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