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Love Your Veggies: Why Farmer's Markets Rock

Steve and I love to shop at the local farmer's market when we can. This time of year is TOPS too, as summer fruit is simply divine. On Sunday, we gathered up an amazing bounty of veggies so that I could make this soup. I know it's summer, but it's just so-super-yummy that none of us mind waiting for it to cool down.

I just can't get over how beautiful the array of fruit and vegetables are sitting on those tables at the market. They are so colorful and enticing, it's like walking through an art gallery, admiring all of these food treasures. This isn't the cabbage I bought (I forgot to take a photo), but I swear the one we scooped up looked just like this. It was so superb and well-proportioned that it was almost hard to cut into it for my soup (ha ha).

Buying locally-grown food when you can is wonderful for so many reasons:

  • it reduces the cost associated with shipment of food
  • it stimulates money into the community in which it was grown and sold in
  • it makes for better relations between members of the community
  • crops sold are organic and free of many toxins & chemicals that mass crop production tends to use
  • food you buy at the FM is so fresh and yummy

On average, produce in the U.S. is shipped 1500 miles before being sold, and that doesn't even include produce that comes from other countries. There are such excessive costs associated with the traveling of produce in regards to shipping, packing, and the energy used to transport it to a local store, but when you buy locally, you cut out this tremendous waste.

You are also helping to support local farmers and reward them directly for their hard work when you buy locally. This in turn can be invested back into the community rather than supporting large corporations who most definitely do not have the smaller community's priorities in mind. Because of all the middlemen associated with transportation and labor costs at the supermarket, only 18 cents out of every dollar spent at grocery stores actually goes to the farmer who produced the crops.

Not only are these reasons cited above good incentives for seeking out your local farmer's market, but it's just fun and inspiring to see such gorgeous fruits, veggies and nuts sitting on the vendors table. I am always stunned by the sizes of some of the produce available. They are definite eye candy for this vegan girl and I think most would say the same after taking a stroll down any FM aisles.

To search for farmer's markets in your area, visit Local Harvest. They have a huge database of co-ops, farms, farmers markets, and eco-conscious restaurants. Just pop in your zip code and it find the market that works best for you.

Shop local and enjoy!!

Reader Comments (1)

Awesome! Up in Iowa City, where I lived my first 18 years, we had a great farmers market that reminds me of the picture you posted (the FM, not the cabbage, lol) Every Saturday morning it was on. Where I live right now blows, it's like 2 guys on a Wednesday night selling corn and carrots, that's about it. When I move, 'farmers market' will be on my list of amenities needed. :-)

August 6, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterTiger
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