From Adversity Comes Great Strength
I recently received an email from a reader who wanted to write and thank me for a poem I wrote called "Today." She explained to me some very painful things that had happened in her childhood and teen years; situations of which she had no control over and were excruciatingly hard to overcome.
She had tried many different methods to help her find peace and though the journey was tough beyond words, she was prevailing and finding her strength. She said that the poem had really spoken to her and that she realized that she is NOT her past any longer. She is living for today and designing her own path in life.
The ironic thing about this message was that she was writing to thank me, but ever since I read her words, I haven't been able to stop thinking about her and how grateful I am to HER for teaching me.
We all face adversities in life of varying degrees and which arrive in a manifold of disguises. How we choose to deal with these challenges is what really matters.
- Facing tribulations
- Finding our inner strength
- Learning from each experience
- Helping others along the way
That really is what it's all about, isn‘t it?
Sometimes, when you don't even realize that you are impacting another person, your words and experiences can mean a lot. They can teach, remind, and inspire. They can transform the way that someone sees the world and help them appreciate it more than ever before.
So take the opportunity to share when you can. You never know what lessons hide behind your words. I thank this beautiful person who wrote me such a heartfelt message. Her words taught me great lessons indeed.
From adversity comes great strength. It is true. So very true.

Reader Comments (4)
I just read the poem myself. Great words to live by!!!
Thank you Jinxi
You are awesome!!!
it's always a beautiful thing to touch someone and then realize how much they have touched you
Beautiful, as always. Love you, my dear niece.
That first picture is beautiful. It looks like a stunning early Fall day in the Northeast.