Jinxi's Interview With Tattoo Collector and Model Mizuz Inkaholik
A strong woman with a positive attitude, who is proud of her tattoos, and determined to represent the inked community with integrity, is a star in my book. Today, I am happy to bring you a beauty who encompasses all of these things and delivers them with a colorful, powerful punch.You might recognize the fabulous Mizuz Inkaholic by her trademark mohawk, but as stunning as her hairdo might be, the permanent artwork she wears upon her skin just might be even more striking those raven colored spikes.
As a highly sought after alternative model and business owner, Mizuz keeps busy in front of the camera and running Texas Body Art studio in Houston, Texas, with her tattoo artist husband, Johnny Jackson. This inked-up pair love to travel and spend as much time as possible jaunting to tattoo conventions throughout the year.
Not only does she wear ink from an all-star lineup of artists, her own images have become prevalent reference photos, as her ravishing style has captivated nine different fans to ink her face onto their skin.
Determined to set a positive example to other women in the industry, Mizuz Inkaholik works hard to inspire others to love the skin they are in, and celebrate the opportunity to decorate it with tattoo treasures.
It was so fun to interview Miz I. for this Inkerview and I hope you enjoy a romp through her colorful and intriguing world.
How old were you when you got your first tattoo? What intrigued you about owning that first piece of ink?
Oh man, I got my first tattoo at the prime age of 18. I was just so excited to have a permanent piece of art on my body. It made me feel so alive and beautiful.
What do you do for a living and how do your co-workers feel about your tattoos?
My husband and I own the legendary Texas Body Art. I am a model by trade, and when I am not in front of the lens, you can find me at our studio helping customers or assisting my husband. My co-workers are all tattooed, so they better like it.
Can you give us a rundown of your excellent tattoo collection?
OK, here we go... I have over 300 hours under the needle; 200 of those are by my husband, Johnny Jackson.
My right sleeve is my female horror sleeve, it includes Baby (House of 1000 Corpses), Bride of Chucky, Mallory Knox (Natural Born Killers), Stephen King's Christine, and an old German composite doll on my hand.
My left sleeve is Day of the Dead theme. I have the bride, the groom, some roses, candles, a skull rose morph, a skull with a snake running through it, and a cupie clown doll on my hand. My knuckles say Nice Hair. I have a kitty with a mohawk and wings on my chest and a his-and-hers coffin on my collar bone (his has the key, and hers has the key hole).
I have chocolate covered cherries on my neck, and a swallow rose morph on the other side of my neck. A green girlie skull on my right foot; Sweeney Todd on my knee cap; Chatter Box from Hellraiser on my inner thigh; a prop from a local haunt house on my outer thigh; Marilyn Manson with the apparatus in his mouth; a dead Virgin Mary on my left calf; a realistic rose on my left knee cap; all of these are by Johnny Jackson.
A portrait of my husband by Nate Beavers; puzzle pieces by The Enigma; biomech by Roman Abrego; an organic skull with a skeleton key by Jeff Ensminger; Venus Fly Trap by Sweet Lorraine; a funky green skull by Lenny Renken; Peter Steele (Type O Negative) portrait by Rooster; a devil rubber ducky by Elmo; and another Marilyn Manson portrait collaboration by Johnny Jackson and Chris Thomas.
I also have a sugar skull on my left foot and a portrait of myself, posed as a possessed nun. Whew!
How did you get your unique name: Mizuz Inkaholik?
My husband Johnny Jackson's tattoo name is Inkaholik, and our first convention we did together (we had only been dating about two weeks at that time) he tattooed me all weekend long. I got 13 hours done there, so it just seemed to fit…and it stuck!
You are so well-known by your gorgeous style and of course, your trademark hair. How long have you been wearing it this way?
Thank you so much *blushing*. I have had my hair in a mohawk for over six years now. And my style I have always had *wink wink*.
How long have you been an alternative model?
I have been modeling professionally for about five years.
What has your favorite photo shoot been thus far?
So far, my Day of the Dead shoot has been my favorite. We just recently did the shoot and it doesn't look like me at all. It was so much fun. It took me four hours to do my make up. I do all of my own editing and this shoot required none, so it was my favorite because it took me 30 minutes to resize and get ready for the web.
What modeling projects do you have coming up and where can readers see more of Mizuz Inkaholik?
Well, I'm doing a shoot next weekend with the beautiful Serena Rose. You might know her from her stage performances with The Enigma. I have quite a few ideas planned and in the works, but you will have to watch out at mizuzinkaholik.com to see them. =)
Do people recognize you often when you are out-and-about?
People do recognize me often from the magazine covers that I have done, especially my Savage cover; and also from our tattoo studio, Texas Body Art.
There are many tattoo collectors who have added your pretty face to their skin. How many MI tattoos are there and how does that make you feel knowing that your image is decorating someone's body?
It makes me feel so honored that someone would want to immortalize my work (photographs) on their skin. I am very humbled by it. I do not know how many people have my face on them, but I do know of nine tattoos that I have seen, or people have sent me photos of. I love it. It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy.
What has being a tattooed woman taught you: about society, yourself, and the idea of beauty?
It has taught me confidence, for sure. I love who I am and my beautiful artwork. A lot of people collect art, I just wear it instead of hanging it on a wall. Society is becoming more and more accepting of my appearance. There will always be the ones that disagree with it, but I'm so glad I have the freedom to do what I want with my body!
Beauty is on the inside and I feel like I am a good person on the inside; I just would rather look at the outside. ;) You don't have to like my tattoos, just appreciate good art and you will be able to understand me. I do not want to convert anyone to be covered in ink.
Do you ever encounter criticism because of your ink? If so, how do you react?
I do get the pointers, the people that nudge whoever they are with and say OMG look at that, but that really doesn't bother me. I have become accustomed to being stared at often. The funniest part is the children, they are so intrigued by all of it: my hair, my make up, my 8 inch shoes, and of course my tattoos; but I just smile at them and usually they pick up on my natural behavior. Children are the greatest because they are so honest in their thoughts and usually out loud.
What ink projects do you have coming up, and with which artists?
Well, my husband is working on my back piece and drawing up my rib pieces. And Roman Abrego has a little work left to do. The rest are small filler places, so it depends on who I run into at a convention or if they guest spot at our studio.
I know that your husband is a tattoo artist, so you are both very passionate about the industry. Are you involved in his business and do you travel with him often?
I help him run the studio, make orders, and handle customer service. I actually break him down and set him up after and before each tattoo, and I am the only one that does his tubes; it has been that way for years. We only do conventions with each other, and we do every one that we can break away from the studio for. We go to at least 6 to 8 conventions a year, and we are planning on increasing that. We really love shows!
What are some of your other loves and hobbies?
I love to cook, and I cook every chance I get. I bake a lot and spend a lot of time cleaning our house. We just got a new house and I have become OCD about it being perfect. When I'm not doing that I'm loving our Miniature Schnauzers, or on Facebook (I'm addicted).
What one word best describes you?
What one word best describes your ink?
What is your favorite sweet treat?
Red velvet cupcakes, which I make a lot... or anything chocolate!
To see more of Mizuz Inkaholik's gorgeous photos and tattoo work, be sure to visit MizuzInkaholik.com and her myspace page.
**All Inkerviews will be cataloged in the Inkerviews section of the site. Just click on the link at the top of the site.
Tattoo by Nikko Hurtado on Mizuz's husband

Reader Comments (11)
Awww! She is so super cute :)! Awesome colorful ink too :)
good stuff!
What a bad ass human being!
Sick ink, sick interview, just...sick sick SICK!!!
Its always cool to meet people who take what they love in life use that same energy and inspiration on a day to day basis in what they do for a living. Mad respect given to all artist... both professionally recognized and not for expressing their feelings in a way that allows dudes like me to say "wow maybe I can have the courage and foresight to do the same."
inspires me to ink more!
Wow. Awesome interview Jinxi! She's too cute! LOVE her artwork collection!
OMG!! Jinxi she is gorgously delicous!! but. no red velvet cupcakes...vanilla with white frosting and purple sprinkles!! yea! oh god where to start!?! i love her collection, except one. the clown...they creep me out. Hey hair is amazing! another personal meet I'd love to see and get to know! your so luckey! i envy you jinxi! Much love girl! <3 <3 <3
gotta love a strong powerful confident beautiful woman and mad cool too boot!!!! MI's artwork is stunning...i'm a sucker for boomin color...not to mention the horror and day of the dead styles she has. i totally dig her style and the hawk is awesome. what a great inkerview jinxi as always!!!! red velvet cupcakes RULE!!!!
I want to thank you all so much for your open mindness and great compliments. I am so honored to have been given this chance to be inkerviewed by such a lovely person, Jinxi is too amazing for words!!! All my love Jinxi Boo!!!
~Mizuz Inkaholik
This interview rocks on so many levels and I have been with this woman every step of the way and you never realize how far it has come around until it is summed up in a way like this interview did.Great questions,great answers,GREAT EVREYTHING!!!!!!My next interview I want you to do it... hahahahahahahaha
I love you Mizuz Inkaholik!!!!!