Grateful: A Poem
It's easy to be grateful for the good things in life.
But appreciation for obstacles can sometimes show us so much more.
Be grateful for mistakes.
Mistakes are what teach lessons.
Be grateful when you are tired,
Your hard work often means that you have made a difference.
Be grateful for unaccomplished goals.
If all were reached, what would there be to work towards?
Be grateful for shortcomings;
they provide the prospect for improvement.
Be grateful when you don't understand;
It gives you the opportunity to learn something new.
Be grateful when times are trying.
Those times make you stronger.
Be grateful for progression. And persistence.
And days, good or bad.
Be grateful for difficulties.
How you handle them, speaks volumes to your character.

Reader Comments (14)
Wow, what an amazing poem!
I just listened to a new song by one of my favorite artists right before I came to your blog and you two seem to be on the same wavelength. Nothing can bring me down today!
Thanks for posting!
WoW Jinxi. I love it. Every time I read one of your poems, it makes me feel a little bit more alive. Thanks.
Amazing as always doll! I'll be sharing this one as well!
You write the most beautiful poems! This one makes me want to keep going no matter what life throws our way :) xoxoxoxo
I am thankful to have encountered someone who feels so grateful about life. We should life is good! :) Thank you for sharing what's in that awesome soul of yours!
I appreciate having a friend like you, Jinxi. The poem is beautiful. :)
Nice! Keeping a gratitude journal changed my life and perspective of the world around me.
Jinxi, I've told you before how wonderful I think you are. But still, when you go and write things like this, there really aren't even adequate words to tell you how much respect I have for you, and how much I value that incredibly good heart of yours. A hug is the only thing that would come close, so here's a virtual one for you: (((hugs Jinxi)).
You're awesome, my friend.
I have a lot to be grateful for.
This poem is right for me is this moment of my life, never had i been so grateful for my triffles...
there are a few big desicions I have to make in order to overcome my current situation, but when i read your blog and poems it really inspires me to be a better person and to "run the extra mile" in everyday life..... muchas gracias
Ur reader from Costa Rica sends you tons of tropical blessings ... :)
You just made my day Jinxi =] Fankoo
Beautiful Jinxi! Just Beautiful!
I especially like the last line. It reminds me of something I have always said, that is...
It is not the mistakes that you make which determine what kind of person you are; it is how you handle yourself when you make those mistakes.
that was simply beautiful, i so love it and as always you are so right on. you always bring a very heartwarming feeling and smile to my face whenever i read your words. love you tons sweetie pie =)
Hi. I like it. Being grateful is what you must aLWAYS BE